Sunday 7 April 2013

Tu Maung Nyo-

The whole World and we know that Myanmar military regime had done very bad things on their own people in the past. They destroy their own Country and the future of so many generations. President U Thein Sein is part of those sins & crimes. He will have to hold accountability and responsibilities. Whether those military dictators like it or not, they will have to face consequence sooner or later in this life as well as next lives.
The main purpose of writing this comment is not to support military government, but to reveal the true character and loose moral of Tu Maung Nyo ( Nyo Tun/Khin Maung Tint/ Bay Dar ). I am not writing this comment to judge right or wrong for what he written against military dictator in this article. It will be judged by History, not me.    You can write or talk all good things with powerful words, absolute truth or the words that people would like to read or hear.
However the most important thing is “Do as you do, and not necessarily what you say
I would say that you and military regime are the similar creature. You write and talk very loudly for Justice, Democracy, Human Rights and so many good words like: Doe Ah Yale thon bar. But all are lies and just an empty shell.
For the people who don’t know you, they will think that you are fighting for justice and they may worship you as hero for what you wrote.
The real fact is that you seduced married women of your close friends, colleague from same party and break up their families. You may not believe or may not know how serious the sin of Du Tha Na Thaw “.
You say one thing and do another thing. You committed so many bad things like military dictators. You will have to take responsibilities and face the consequence of sins you committed whether you like it or not. You will have to reap what you sow.  You will have to payback one way or another for Your Own Karma sooner or later in this life as well as next lives similar to Myanmar military regime.